Input, Mappings & Controls

2.7.Scripts #

The Scripts section allows you to assign any button or axis to trigger a script. This section covers adding new script triggers/mappings and associated settings.

See the Script Methods section for details on script functionality and methods and the Script Editor section for help on using the built in editor.


Setting a Script Trigger

Existing scripts are listed in the grid as shown below, to begin adding a trigger for a script highlight the row for the required script.

The script field will now update to show the selected script’s name.

You can now edit the scripts settings and trigger:


Script Trigger

This field specifies the trigger for the script and functions the same as any input mapping. Click detect input to set the trigger that will activate the script.


Axis Threshold

This field is only enabled when an axis has been set as the trigger. Values range from -128 to 128.

With the above settings configured you can click the ‘Update’ button to apply and save the changes to the config.



Enabling/Disabling a Script

A script will not be activated or run unless it is enabled, by default all scripts are disabled.

To enable or disable a script highlight the row so it looks like the following:

The ‘Enable’ and ‘Disable’ buttons will then be enabled, you can use this to set the enabled state of the script.



Script Editor & Editing Scripts

To open the script editor simply click the ‘Script Editor’ button on the Scripts tab.

To edit an existing script you can highlight the a row in the list of scripts and then click the ‘Edit Script’ button.

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