Choose the way you play, at home or away!
REPL4Y allows you to play your PS4, PS5 and Xbox (One X/S & Series X/S) whether on LAN or via Internet with fully customisable input mapping!
Want to play your games whilst away from home? Fed up with the limited controller options? Then REPL4Y is your solution. REPL4Y gives you the flexibility and options to fully enjoy your games and give you the edge when you need it.
Keyboard & mouse, Xbox controllers or even xinput enabled steering wheels are supported. So whether you’re playing an FPS, driving game or casual, you’ll have the accuracy and comfort to not only enjoy your games, but win too.
Choose the way you play, at home or away!
The best way to play your PS4, PS5 and Xbox consoles
Gain the edge over your opponents
Connect from anywhere
Support for any Xinput device (includes most controllers and steering wheels)
Get the best precision with Keyboard & Mouse support
Manage multiple accounts from different PS4’s without re-registering
Fully emulate touchpad input