Input, Mappings & Controls

1.1.Configurations #

Each profile contains 10 configs, each config contains it’s own mappings and settings (except for settings labelled Global which persist across all configs in a profile).


Separate configs give you the ability to quickly switch between alternate settings or mappings on-the-fly during gameplay.


An example of where this can be useful is in an FPS where you wish to have different mouse acceleration or sensitivity when ADS (Aiming Down Scope) or when moving from the player to a vehicle and you would like a different setup for controlling movement.


Changing Configs

To edit a different config simply select one from the drop down menu


Switching between configs during game play is controlled by Hotkeys or by scripts, how to use config Hotkeys is covered in the next section.


Copying Configs

If you wish to copy or duplicate a config within a profile click the Copy Config button and select the Config that you wish to copy the current one to.

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