Input, Mappings & Controls

2.4.1.Acceleration Curve #

The Mouse Acceleration Curve is used to help achieve a close as possible 1:1 movement when using a Mouse with a Console game.

1:1 controls mean one unit of movement  on your mouse equates to one unit of movement on the screen. It’s linear, like this:

However, many console games implement methods to help the player aim when using analog sticks, the most common of which is acceleration. When implemented input will look like this:

The acceleration curve provided is a counter curve, in other words it’s what we can use to counteract the in game acceleration in order to achieve input as shown in the first linear graph. In the graph below you can see all 3 outputs, the green line is our counter curve, the red line is the default game acceleration and the blue line is the final 1:1 output.

This curve is a Bézier curve, this means that it has multiple points along the curve and it starts at 0 and finishes at 1. In this case 1 is the equivalent of max axis or 128, 0.5 would be half so 64.

The X axis is mouse input, Y axis is output.


Editing the Acceleration Curve

There are 2 modes for editing the curve, Standard and Advanced. You can change the current editing mode using the drop down menu.


Standard Mode

In standard mode you can edit the curve by adjusting the Acceleration value, this value affects the steepness of the curve. A good value to begin with for a FPS game is about 0.39.

It is recommended to keep this value <= 1. Values > 1 will apply positive acceleration and will make mouse input hard to control in most games.

NOTE: If you prefer the input system from V2 profiles then you can set your acceleration value to 1. 


Advanced Mode

Advanced mode allows finer adjustments to the curve, this is useful for games that don’t have linear acceleration and won’t match the curve created using the acceleration value.

A number of points on the curve are added by default depending on the steepness, you can adjust these as shown below.


Adding Points

To add a new point right click where you wish to add a new point on the curve then choose ‘Add Point’ from the context menu. This will add a point on the curve where you clicked.


Removing Points

To delete a point simply right click the point and choose ‘Delete Point’ from the context menu.


Editing Points

To edit a point you can click and drag it up or down, you can also edit individual points by changing the acceleration value under the advanced section.



Resetting the Curve

You can reset the acceleration curve to it’s default state by right clicking and choosing ‘Reset Curve’ from the context menu.




You can easily import or export curve independent from the config for easy sharing.


To import a curve right click and choose ‘Import Curve’ from the context menu, you will be presented with a text window where you can paste the curve details. Click on to update the curve with the imported settings.


To export a curve right click and choose ‘Export Curve’ from the context menu, you will be presented with a text window where you can copy the curve details to share or import to a different config.

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