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My1 last won the day on August 11 2018

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About My1

  • Birthday 11/08/1995

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  1. also I am not sure whether that is still correct but iirc there was the Idea of twisted that while RPPC People get it free, that remap customers wont be left out and at least get a discount to Replay.
  2. since twisted probably attaches some kind of DRM to it, I honestly doubt it but since I am going to linux for my Laptop at least, it sure would be great.
  3. CPU: Ryzen 1700x RAM: 32GB GPU: RX 560 OS: 8.1
  4. precisely. I never had any issues on RP with my PS4 aside from bugs back then in the early stage but well, that's why it's the early Stage.
  5. I would say it CAN work better but I cant say whether it WILL. it all depends on your network setup and everything.
  6. Maybe because of the p2p nature of their online gaming? Somebody needs an incoming ip to be the host. If everyone is on carrier-nat nobody can really be the host.
  7. this is totally crazy, why isnt sony doing anything, it's not like DS-Lite is something totally new. I have read articles from 2011 WAY before the PS4 even came out. This is crazy.
  8. wait what? Is this some joke? IPv6 exists since half an eternity, IPv4 exhaustion isn't a new thing, and the PS4 is far from old.
  9. actually, there is a BIG difference. IPv4 needs port forwarding because of how NAT works (1 IP for the whole network and the router Translates between the public IPv4 and the local IPv4s inside the network.) in IPv6 each Device has its own public IP (or even multiple of them), and therefore no "port forwarding" is needed, just a hole in all the firewalls the device is sitting behind (mainly the router), and I am totally able to do that. Compare it with a ps4 sitting directly behind a modem without a router but just a firewall. DualStack Lite basically means, you dont get your "own" IPv4, but you have a full public IPv6 subnet. Normal Dualstack means, you have BOTH an IPv4 to use completely AND an IPv6 subnet.
  10. it's a BIT more complicated than that. That so called "DualStack Lite" or "Carrier-Grade NAT" Bullshit means I use an ip of the provider to go into the internet, but I cant do portforwarding etc, because even the router doesnt have the IP but sits behind it. to compare it to remote controlling a computer that basically means if a device maintains connection to an outside server I can get in via that lane (similar to for example teamviewer) but I cant get in by myself (for example VNC or RDP), because that would need portforwarding. I can help with IPv6 testing though.
  11. does RP over the internet work with IPv6? would be great as, my IPv4 was taken away, and well the rest is obvious
  12. True that it may degrade some parts, but depending on the game or stuff you wanna do delays may not be as much of an issue as e.g. abysmal image quality, also sometimes the test may have an issue (e.g. temporary stress on the switch/router, which can degrade the results, while the connection still is okay for the most parr)
  13. I hope you can still override the automatic stream quality if you want (e.g. by doing the test but bot caring about the results), or does the ps4 not allow that?
  14. looks awesome. I wanna try. although I hope that non-xbox controllers like the DS4 will work again.
  15. that is nice to know,
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